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Puget Park
At an affordable price.
Welcome To

Welcome to Puget Park

Welcome to Puget Park Apartments of Everett.  
We are proud to be one of the leading providers of affordable rental housing in the State of Washington.  We offer many floor plans, from a 1 bedroom flat to a 5 bedroom townhouse.  We are confident that living here will be a rewarding experience and look forward to assisting you in finding your ideal apartment home at Puget Park. Life is Better Here!

Luxury Awaits

A Little More About Our Properties

Fitness Center

24 Hour fitness center featuring technogym equipment, fitness programs and cardio classes on demand.

Pet Friendly

We are Pet Friendly! Make sure to ask our team about our pet policy.

Pool Deck

A swimming pool that is just sparkling with anticipation of your first splash. It is a great community amenity.


You Belong Here

Floor Plans
Timeless Elegance

Select your dream home from a diverse collection of thoughtfully designed luxury homes available with us, which includes variety of arrangements for each home with access to world-class amenities and is finished to reflect your unique personal taste.

Apartments That Are Tailored To You

Looking for an apartment that aligns with your unique style? Our apartments were designed with you in mind! Check out our available apartments with detailed information about the units, amenities and more.

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